How to Copy Paste in Window Command mode ?

Often we are faced with the problem of long typing when using command prompt in Windows. However there are options which we must know to use the Copy Paste in Command mode also.
In the following paras, I will be dealing exclusively with this topic.How to open Command Prompt Window:

Many of you, though may be aware, however for the newbies I must elaborate this function.
  • Press Funtion Key + R to open run window.
  • Type cmd and enter.
  • The Command mode window will now open.

How to activate Copy Paste option:

  • Right click on the title of Command prompt window
  • Select Properties.
  • In the properties window, there will be 4 tabs, the Options, Font, Layout and Colors.
  • Under Options tab, look for Edit Options and in that just check ‘Quick Edit Mode’.
  • Click Ok.


So Copy and Paste going to be a fun.

Thats all. Now copy anything form anywhere using ‘Control + C’ and paste on the Command Window just by right click on it at the cursor point. This is how Copy Paste in Window Command mode is achieved.

copy & paste